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Revision as of 11:32, 27 May 2020 by Lewis-Nym (Talk | contribs)

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  • Come up with a plan to solicit a quorum's worth of votes online, so that business can be conducted
    • Mark interprets bylaws as stating that consent does not require quorum, and, when published, the consent agenda stands unless a member objects.
    • OPTION 2: Presiding office adjourns vote
    • Dawn- consent agenda is for items that are expected to pass unanimously. Maintain a goal of keeping everyone informed about votes with enough notice in advance to raise any issues they have
    • New items to be passed can be put into the consent agenda 48hrs before meeting. If a member calls for discussion, it is brought into New Business.
  • Address the Finance Trajectory: make a plan to communicate this to membership
    • Call to attention/action to all members demonstrating the trajectory and soliciting solutions to the current financial predicament
    • Take this as an opportunity to see what people want, what the space can offer. A positive spin - members like the space, and want to see it survive.
    • Include the stark graph, display the shortfall.
    • wikipedia-esque fundraiser
    • [Dawn] contact landlord to reassess rent situation
    • [Scott] Gofundme research
    • Research nonprofit Covid funds?
    • sponsored memberships, scholarship memberships
    • [Lewis] Communication Google doc should be drafted and posted in Splatspace Slack administrivia channel containing language scheduled to send off on June 1.
  • Assess how to allow new members in pandemic scenario
    • Bylaws for membership can be done during pandemic, but bylaws contain language that has never been followed regarding vote on new members.
    • 2 people needed to sign membership form.
    • "To comply with social distancing, new members can meet one on one with necessary signers-on"
    • Any new people can be invited to slack and meet there
  • Increase activity on social media
    • Seems like there is little to no activity for SplatSpace on social media
    • Posting to social media more often could increase visibility and possibly drive membership
    • [Blake] is willing to post but we should have several people that can and will post often
    • [Lewis] will also coordinate with images for Instagram, etc